Tuesday, November 07, 2006

CNN blog party.

Our little Election Returns Party is tiny compared to this one. CNN is sponsoring a blogging party: they flew in bloggers from all over the country and have them in a room, blogging all at once. They keep cutting to shots of the bloggers on CNN.

I hate the word "blog." I'm always hesitant to tell people "I'm a blogger" because it sounds so antisocial, like I'm holed up in a dark room all day hunched over my computer. Hey, CNN recognizes us!

I was pleasantly surprised when the man behind me in line to vote today said "So you're a blogger" in a tone of recognition, like one would say "So you're a musician" or "So you're a student." Usually people say it in the same tone that one would say "So, you're an...undertaker."

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