Monday, February 25, 2008

We're watching Legally Blonde in Evidence.

The "gay scene." (The scene about Elle Woods calling out the gay guy in court; I'm not calling the scene itself is gay. That would be a compliment in my book.)


Anonymous said...

What do you mean when you say that to call something "gay" is a compliment? Isn't it that there is a positive/negative connotation attached to the word, to any degree, what people find offensive?

Sharon said...

People generally use it as a negative adjective, but I was distinguishing my own interpretation of it. I LOVE gay people, and to call something "gay" translates as "fabulous" in my head.

Sidenote: I really, really want a gay best friend.

Anonymous said...

I found that scene in "Legally Blonde" wrong on several levels. It engages in essentialism about masculinity and promotes stereotypes the qualities of being gay. It promotes the idea that all men who are interested in fashion are gay and vice versa. Coupled with the portrayal of the feminist activist, jocky, unkempt lesbian character, this movie's treatment of gayness is tired. When you say you want a gay best friend, does that mean you want a buddy like Jack from "Will and Grace" or Stanford/Anthony from "Sex and the City"? Because, then, you too, are also guilty of engaging in stereotypes. Like straight people, gay people come in all shapes, sizes, and personalities. For every "fabulous" "Queer Eye for the Straight Guy"-type of gay male, there are hoardes bodybuilding, hypermasculine, "straight"-appearing gay men. For every activist, butchy woman, there are hoardes of fashionable, feminine, Elle Woods-types of gay women. When the privileged straight majority finally wakes up to the idea that gay people are just like them save for the dimension of sexual preference, then we will be a little closer to achieving equality.