Sunday, March 08, 2009

Sometimes, shortcuts are not okay.

This is a screenshot of the law school's online store.  It features my friend Reid, who I assure you is not a woman, but who is apparently modeling a woman's fleece.  

Whoever put the website together used the same picture for the men's fleece as the women's, so I'm sure they did it to save time/effort.  But sometimes SHORTCUTS ARE NOT OKAY.  

*ADDED: If you click on the picture so you can get a better look, you'll see that "fleece" is spelled as "fllece."  To that, I give the same response (minus the caps, because I'm tired): Sometimes, shortcuts are not okay.


Anonymous said...

Woah, chill out, those caps were really not necessary, its only a law school online shopping store. I'd take a deep breath and save them for really offensive things.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, scraping the bottom of the barrel? Try getting more of a life and then you'll have something more interesting to blog about. Does anyone really care if they had a guy modeling a fleece on your law school website? Its a shortcut that probably made a lot of sense seeing how few people will probably even notice.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sharon's having a bad day and this was the last straw. Hmm? Think about that.

Anonymous said...

That must be some bad day if something as trivial as this would send her over the edge. Take a prozac, or better yet, step away from the keyboard.

Anonymous said...

Geeze, people, what exactly CAN Sharon blog about without you all jumping on her back? It's her own damn blog, let her write what she wants.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised that Sharon failed to notice that "fleece" is spelled wrong in the item description.

H.H. said...

I thought this was a funny entry and I'm a huge fan of caps locked myself. Like, if you all don't like Sharon's blog THEN STOP READING IT.

Anonymous said...

Word, Helen. Clearly these people are confused and love to complain about a blog they continue to read.

To use the Kathy Griffin defense: SEN doesn't come to your workplace and pull the dicks out of your mouths. If you don't like it, move on.

Michael from said...

Apparently, Reid is a big fucking pervert who needs to quit raiding women's dressing rooms.

Jennifer Good said...

Just clicked on the link via the Facebook group for Grammar, and I think I'm hooked with this post alone. Should someone maybe inform the school?

"Shaping the next generation" Indeed.