Thursday, March 05, 2009


This is my little sister, Grace, with John Parker Wilson, who was the starting quarterback of Alabama's football team this past year.  

Such pretty hair, on both of them, huh?  JP's hair might be shinier than mine.  


Anonymous said...

Ill be the first to say it, your little sister is hotter than you.

Anonymous said...

I'll be the first to say that you're probably about 4 points below both of them on a 10 scale.

Anonymous said...

Seeing as I'm a guy, that's kind of hard to say but ok, if it makes you feel better.

Sharon said...

She is a very pretty girl!

Anonymous said...

hey hey hey now shar, i would like to be notified in advance next time you plaster my face all over your blog! lol Especially next to somebody that beautiful.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

She's a solid 6, I'd do her. The guy looks like a total fag though.

Anonymous said...

12:51 I'm in agreement

Anonymous said...

As the outgoing starting QB for the Alabama football team, I'm sure John Parker Wilson gets plenty of ass. But, I have to say that after looking at his face and smile in this photo, he certainly strikes me as very, very homosexual.

Doubt me? Just take one look at those sunken eyes and his untrimmed hair that has been abused by a blow dryer. I'm sure JPW is hoping that the San Francisco 49ers draft him, so that he can develop a good working relationship with their "tight ends."

So, yes, back to my original statement, I guess he does get a lot of ass.

Anonymous said...

If she lost 10-15 pounds she'd be hot, no doubt.

Anonymous said...

Haters abound, as usual. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go put some more water in Buck Nasty's mama's dish.

Anonymous said...

Both Sharon and her sister are beauties.

Michael from said...

I dig JP's 'Bama bangs. For reals.

Guy Fawkes said...

Anon @ 11:52:


Anonymous said...

Dude looks straight ... up stoned.

Would probably do your sister, though, if that helps with anything.

Anonymous said...

She's definitely hotter, she has that cute little pert nose. I'd do her.

Anonymous said...

Can I ask you something? I'm having trouble understanding why people feel a need to point out how asinine they are to you with their comments on appearances, and such, and then hide behind "Annonymous"
I'm getting a little sick of Americans hiding behind the First. =P

But you're probably mature enough to ignore the comments of silly people.
I'm going to post as Anonymous too, just for fun. =D


And people who use ratings to judge people on their looks are (not only shallow, and have serious security issues) going to end up with really, really stupid and vain people.

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